Prime Day 2016 is the Biggest Amazon Event Ever, with over 100,000 Deals Exclusively for Prime Members Worldwide on July 12.
Prime Day is a one-day only global shopping event exclusively for Prime members. On Tuesday, July 12, the second annual Prime Day will be the biggest global Amazon event ever. Members in the U.S. can shop starting at midnight PT, with new deals starting as often as every five minutes throughout the day. Not a Prime member? Try Prime today and enjoy fast free shipping, exclusive access to movies, TV shows and music, Kindle books and much more.
Following last summer's inaugural, one-day sale event called "Prime Day," Amazon confirmed that it will be bringing back the Black Friday-like discounts this summer on July 12 (via Fortune). The company is referring to the second entry of Prime Day as the "biggest Amazon event ever," exceeding over 100,000 deals when it launches at midnight PT on the 12th.
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