Pocket Points is an a free app on the app store with the central purpose of making it less enticing to use your phone during class.
Pocket Points works at a variety of different colleges around the United States. It was developed by Mitch Gardner and Rob Richardson, two California State University students who realized the problem of smartphones in classrooms.
Pocket Points is a new mobile application that gives students rewards for not using their phones during class. Simply open the app on campus, lock your phone, and start gaining points. Points are then used at local and online businesses for awesome student discounts, coupons, or gifts!
With the App you earn about 1 point for every 20 minutes you don’t use your phone during class. However, the more people around you who are using Pocket Points, the faster you will accumulate points. This is part of the app’s effort to collectively reduce phone usage during class.
Download free Pocket Points iOS App and Android App.
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